Saturday, December 09, 2006

FixMacs Clients Make College News

Donated computers from FixMacs clients have made it possible for the award-winning student newspaper at Contra Costa College to migrate to modern production tools this year.

The Advocate, a weekly newspaper published (in print and online) by the journalism students, was using antiquated software on ancient Macs until recently. With Mac computer donations kindly originating from FixMacs clients, the journalism department, under the tutelage of Paul DeBolt, has been able to migrate newspaper production from ten-year-old QuarkXPress 3.3 to InDesign, a state-of-the-art desktop publishing application.

The college is grateful for the enduring, tangible educational improvements that flowed directly from your valuable contributions of computer hardware. FixMacs continues to accept donated Apple computers for the college. Although the department has received several G4 Power Macs and a G5 recently, great value and usage is realized by the students with even modest contributions. For example, optical mice are sorely needed. If you have a spare optical mouse around the house or office that you will part with, please do contact me. Your contributions are tax deductible.

Thanks also go out to Infrant Technologies for their donation of a file server (ReadyNAS NV), and to GeeThree for several G4's with Sweet Multiports.

Each and every donation is valued.

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